Course Prefix / Rubric:
-- Choose a Rubric --
AAST - African American Studies [previously AAS]
ABDY - Auto Body
ACT - Activities: General I
ACTA - Activities: General II
ACTG - Accounting
ACTV - Activities: Varsity
AGBE - Agricultural Business & Economics
AGED - Agricultural Education
AGSC - Agricultural Sciences
AGTE - Agriculture Technology
AHAT - Allied Health: Athletic Training
AHHS - Allied Health: Health Sciences
AHMA - Allied Health: Medical Assisting
AHMS - Allied Health: Medical Support
AHMT - Allied Health Medical Laboratory Technology
AHPT - Allied Health: Physical Therapy
AHRC - Allied Health: Respiratory Care
AHST - Allied Health: Surgical Technician
AHUS - Allied Health: Ultrasound
AHXR - Allied Health: Radiologic Technology
AMGT - Administrative Management [previously TASK]
AMST - American Studies
ANSC - Animal Science
ANTY - Anthropology
ARAB - Languages: Arabic
ARCH - Architecture
ARTH - Art: Art History
ARTJ - Art: Jewelry
ARTZ - Art: Visual Arts
AS - Asian Studies
AST - Auto Service Technician
ASTR - Astronomy
ATDI - Automotive/Diesel
AVFT - Aviation Flight Training
AVMT - Aviation Maintenance Training
BCH - Biochemistry
BFIN - Business: Finance
BGEN - Business: General
BIOB - Biology: General
BIOE - Biology: Ecology
BIOH - Biology: Human
BIOM - Biology: Micro
BIOO - Biology: Organismal
BMGT - Business: Management
BMIS - Business: Managment Information Systems
BMKT - Business: Marketing
BREW - Brewing Science
CAPP - Computer Applications
CAS - Chemical Addiction Studies
CHIN - Languages: Chinese
CHMY - Chemistry
CHTH - Community Health
CIE - Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
CJLE - Law Enforcement
CJUS - Criminal Justice
CLAS - Classics
CMLD - Community Leadership
COA - Coaching
COLS - College Success
COMX - Communication
CORR - Corrosion Technology
COSM - Cosmetology
CRWR - Creative Writing
CSCI - Computer Science/Programming
CSD - Communicative Sciences & Disorders
CSTN - Construction Trades
CTE - Career and Technical Education
CULA - Culinary Arts
DANC - Dance
DDSN - Drafting Design
DENT - Dental
DST - Diesel Service Technician
EASL - English as an Academic Second Language
EBIO - Engineering: Biological
EBME - Engineering, BioMEdical
ECHM - Engineering: Chemical
ECIV - Engineering: Civil
ECNS - Economics
ECP - Emergency Care Provider
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDM - Education Methods
EDP - Education Practicum
EDS - Education Student Teaching
EDSP - Special Education
EDU - Education
EELE - Engineering: Electrical
EENV - Engineering: Environmental
EFIN - Financial Engineering
EGEN - Engineering: General
EIND - Engineering: Industrial
ELCT - Electrical Technology
EMAT - Engineering: Materials
EMEC - Engineering: Mechanical
EMET - Engineering: Metallurgical
ENSC - Environmental Sciences
ENST - Environmental Studies
ENT - English Teaching
EQUH - Equine Horsemanship
EQUS - Equine Sciences
ERTH - Geoscience: Earth Systems
ESOF - Software Engineering
ETCC - Engineering: Civil & Construction Tech
ETEC - Electronics Technology
ETME - Engineering: Mechanical Engineering Technology
EWLD - Engineering: Welding
FILM - Film
FIRE - Fire and Emergency Services
FM - Facility Management [previously BME/FME]
FORS - Forestry
FRCH - Languages: French
FT - Firearms Technology
GBLD - Global Leadership
GDSN - Graphic Design
GEO - Geoscience: Geology
GEOE - Geoscience: Geological Engineering
GEOP - Geoscience: Geophysical Engineering
GH - Global Humanities
GPHY - Geoscience: Geography
GRK - Languages: Greek
GRMN - Languages: German
HADM - Health Administration
HCI - Health Care Informatics
HDFS - Human Development and Family Science
HEE - Health Enhancement
HEO - Heavy Equipment Operation
HIT - Health Information Technology
HLD - Human Leadership Development
HMED - Human Medicine
HONR - Honors
HORT - Horticulture & Landscape Design
HPRV - Historic Preservation
HS - Human Services
HSTA - History: American
HSTR - History: World
HTH - Health
HTR - Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
HVC - Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology
IDSN - Interior Design
INS - Insurance
IRSH - Languages: Irish
ITLN - Languages: Italian
ITS - Information Technology Systems
JPNS - Languages: Japanese
JRNL - Journalism
KIN - Kinesiology
LARC - Landscape Architecture
LATN - Languages: Latin
LEG - Paralegal
LIBM - Library Media
LIFE - LIFE Scholars
LING - Linguistics
LIT - Literature
LS - Liberal Studies
LSCI - Library Science
LSH - Liberal Studies and Humanities
M - Mathematics
MART - Media Arts
MAS - Military Aerospace Studies
MBEH - Microbiology Environmental Health
MCH - Machining and Manufacturing Technology
MIN - Engineering: Mining
MOR - Museum of the Rockies
MSL - Military Science Leadership
MTPR - Meat Processing
MUSE - Music: Education
MUSI - Music
MUST - Music: Technology
MYC - Montana Youth Challenge
NARS - National Academy of Railroad Sciences
NASX - Native American Studies
NEUR - Neuroscience
NPAD - Nonprofit Administration
NRGY - Sustainable Energy
NRSG - Nursing
NRSM - Natural Resources Science & Management
NTS - Networking Technology Systems
NUTR - Nutrition
OSH - Occupational Safety and Health
PET - Engineering: Petroleum
PHAR - Pharmacy
PHL - Philosophy
PHOT - Photography
PHSX - Physics
PLTT - Photonics and Laser Technology Technician
PLUM - Plumbing
PPT - Process Plant Technology
PSCI - Political Science
PSYX - Psychology
PTRM - Parks, Tourism, and Recreation Management
PUBH - Public Health
PWRP - Power Plant Technology
RBPF - Residential Building Performance
RD - Reading
REC - Outdoor Recreation
REHA - Rehabilitation
RLST - Religious Studies
RS - Ranching Systems
RUSS - Languages: Russian
SET - Recreational Power Equipment
SFBS - Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems
SHML - Sheet Metal
SIGN - Languages: Sign
SOCI - Sociology
SPNS - Languages: Spanish
SRVY - Surveying
SSEA - South and Southeast Asian Studies
STAT - Statistics
SW - Social Work
TE - Technology Education
TED - Traffic Education
THTR - Theatre
VET - Veterinary Technology
WGSS - Women's and Gender Studies
WILD - Fish & Wildlife Science & Management
WLC - World Languages and Cultures
WLDG - Welding
WRIT - Writing
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